On Nov. 5 and Nov. 6, 2016, Dickinson College successfully hosted Posada Conference 2016: Mocking the Status Quo: Sociopolitical Humor and Satire in Latin America, a two-day conference sponsored by The Central Pennsylvania Consortium, as well as Franklin & Marshall College and Gettysburg College. This international conference provided a forum to address the various and manifold developments in the fields of humor and politics in Latin America.

The Trout Gallery – the art museum at Dickinson College – has been presenting José Guadalupe Posada and the Broadside in Early Twentieth-Century Mexico since Oct. 28, 2016. For more information, visit The Trout Gallerie Exhibition Website here.
Conference Program
Friday, November 4th
5pm – Altar Offerings. Waidner-Spahr Library
Altar Offerings
Students from Franklin and Marshall College
Students and Faculty Members from Gettysburg College
6pm – Keynote Speaker. Althouse 106
Professor William Beezley, University of Arizona, “Laughter and Hope: Humor in Everyday Life in Mexico”
Prof. Marcelo Borges, Chair of the LALC Studies Department at Dickinson College, gave a Welcome Introduction
Prof. William Beezley – the Keynote Speaker
7pm – Reception. Weiss Center
7-9pm – Sugar Skull-Making Workshop.
Photo Courtesy of Liam Stenson ’19
Saturday, November 5th
8:30am Coffee – Althouse Lounge (first floor)
Morning Coffee @ Althouse Lounge
9:00am Panel #1 – Althouse 106
1. Gabriel Antúnez de Mayolo Kou, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “Boogie, el “americano”: el uso de parámetros globales en la adaptación cinematográfica animada de la tira cómica Boogie, el aceitoso de Fontanarrosa”
2. Lloyd Anglin, Universidad Veritas: Costa Rica, “Humor gráfico en Costa Rica: identidad y otredad 1917-1948”
10:00am Break – Althouse Lounge (first floor)
10:15am Panel # 2 – Althouse 106
1. Jason A. Bartles, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, “El Gaucho Jodón: Mocking Nationalism in Juan Filloy’s Ochoa Family Saga”
2. Brian Bockelman, Ripon College, “‘Poor Palms’ and Petty Politicos: The Role and Forms of Satire in the Argentine Plaza Palms Crisis of 1883”
3. María del Pilar Aja Pérez, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, “Goya’s and Goitia’s Hanged Men: Ironic and Grotesque Sociopolitical Criticism at War Periods.”
11:30am Tour of Exhibit “José Guadalupe Posada and the Mexican Penny Press” – Trout Gallery (Weiss Center)
Trout Gallery Director and Associate Professor of Art History Phillip Earenfight
12:30pm Lunch and Student Poster Presentation. HUB
2:00pm Panel # 3 – Althouse 106
1. Ana Yolanda Contreras, United States Naval Academy, “Memes humorísticos, irreverencia y crítica sociopolítica contra los ex-mandatarios guatemaltecos”
2. Elizabeth Cooper, Gettysburg College, “Correa’s #CaricaturaCrackdown: Social Media, Satire, and Free Speech in Ecuador”
3. Michele Nascimento-Kettner, Montclair State University, “‘Rir para não Chorar’: Why Laughing Matters in Brazil’s Current Political Debates?
4. José Alfredo Contreras, University of Maryland, College Park, “Current Events and Culture as Laughing Matter in Hernández and Helguera’s Monosapiens”
3:20pm Break – Althouse Lounge (first floor)
3:35pm Panel # 4 – Althouse 106
1. Jacqueline Avila, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, “El espectáculo on Stage and Screen: Evocations of the teatro de revistas in cine mexicano”
2. Marina Fleites, Gettysburg College, “Pushing the Critical Limits in Tomás Gutiérrez Alea’s La Muerte de un Burócrata (1966) and Guantanamera (1994)”
4:40pm Closing Reception