Category: Student Work (Page 5 of 5)

Gone, but not forgotten

The Media Center has a small memorial to Nate Kirkland who was a student here at Dickinson and was tragically taken from us during a Service Learning trip to Guatemala in early 2009.  He was passionate about filmmaking and had an infectious smile that would most definitely brighten your day.

Although the memorial is there to help remember Nate, people often pass by it without taking much notice as they rush to and from classes.  We hope that people who didn’t know Nate, take the time to read a little about him and hopefully find inspiration in the way he lived his life, as he was always trying to make the world a better place.

Today, I walked by the memorial and found someone was kind enough to leave flowers, a note & a poem.  It warmed my heart and saddened me all at the same time.

It made me think that the media center hasn’t promoted Nate’s work the way we should so here are some samples of what he created during the short period of time we were graced with his presence.  The following are the poem & note that were left and it should inspire us all.

Music to our ears

Over the summer, the Media Center went though a redesign and part of it was creating more sound buffered booths (they aren’t quite ‘sound proof’) that can be used for skyping, interviews, podcasts or music creation.  Since there weren’t other places on campus that had spaces where people could easily record music (without getting in trouble for being too loud) our Podcast nooks have become quite popular.  The rooms are outfitted with soundproofing materials on the walls and door and are equip to record through 2 microphones for voice or instruments, 1 mini mixer, 1 keyboard, and 1 iMac using recording apps, such as Garageband, Audacity, & IMovie.  The rooms can be reserved for use by emailing

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