Tag: fall 2013

Nelson Mandela Podcast

Nelson_Mandela_painted_portrait_P1040890Students in The Cold War in Southern Africa created podcasts profiling a twentieth-century Southern African leader. Sarah Koch, Weston Hayes, and Luke Kaledin chose Nelson Mandela because they had learned about his leadership of the African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa, the founding of the ANC’s armed wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe (“spear of the nation” in isiZulu) following the government’s decision in 1960 to ban the ANC, and Mandela’s subsequent arrest and imprisonment. Mandela became a symbol of apartheid’s injustice until his release from prison in 1990 and election as South African president in 1994. Mandela died at the age of 95 at the end of the fall semester 2013.

Writing in & for Digital Environments-Blogs-Fall 2013

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Description from Digital Humanities at Dickinson article:

Writing in and for Digital Environments (WRPG 211) is a new course designed to encourage students to think about how to convey a thought or point of view using more than just letters and words on a sheet of paper. Of course, there is no substitute for well thought-out and aptly articulated writing, and first and foremost the course uses the electronic environment to challenge and develop students’ writing skills. But it also teaches basic proficiency in WordPress and other common online platforms (Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Facebook, etc.), and course assignments require regular reflection on the writing process, and on the tailoring information to specific audiences and media. Each student will design, build, and begin regularly posting to her or his own blog.


Here is a list of the student’s blogs for the semester.  Click through to see what topics they chose to write about.


21 and Change

Archives Mouse: A student’s musings about archival science

Chicks, Lit & Film

City Mentality: Exploring sustainability and livability in cities across the globe

Cup of Who


FF: Food & Fashion

Gastronomic Permaculture

Humans of Carlisle

Just Ordinary Stories

My Dad Wanted me to be a Lawyer but…

Outside the Bubble: Exploring Carlisle, off the beaten path

PaulJon143: Decide. Commit. Succeed.

Playlists for the People

Roll it Right

Something to Smile About

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