Activities Night!

Don’t forget that tomorrow night (Monday) at 6 pm is the anticipated club orgy of the semester….ACTIVITIES NIGHT. WDCV will be there, posted up...

WDCV’s Top Fives of Twenty-Ten

DJ Top Five Lists Our DJs’ favorite new discoveries! Albums that were released before 2010 are marked with an asterisk. It goes without saying–if...

Local Ted Leo Show

Although I love the Square, they aren’t doing a great job of promoting great shows that are happening locally (only philly, dc & bmore). ...

Ton-Taun’s Exporter

Ton-Taun, a four piece band from Lancaster, PA has released their sophomore album Exporter independently. A local band that most recently appeared and opened...

Heavy Rotation Review — Age of Adz

Highly anticipated with the release of his bulky EP All Delighted People, Sufjan Stevens’ tenth studio-released album The Age of Adz was finally leaked...