Dear Prudence

I’ve never been one to write down my thoughts. My mind is always racing, but often my hands are quiet. I have expressed myself through the poetry and written thoughts of others for so long, that I’ve started to feel like maybe my own thoughts are somehow being construed so that my thoughts are becoming less and less my own. I want this blog to change that. This blog, which I will oh-so-cleverly name Dear Prudence, will be a collection of things that make me who I am, of things and places that make me happy, and maybe sometimes of things that don’t.


Taken from the sidewalk on Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA

As far as style goes, I would like to follow a format similar to that of Sprouted Kitchen . I really like how it’s obvious where the title is, but then it jumps right into the content of the post. Another blog I like is Anthropologie. It’s heavy on  pictures which is an element that I think is important. On the other hand, I would like my blog to have a simple, classy feel that ‘s easy on the eyes. I feel like if a blog is too busy, the reader will get distracted from the reason they came to look at the blog in the first place.

In terms of media and posts, I want to include pictures of my friends and family (with their permission, of course), and maybe a video or two of my acapella group performing or practicing. My blog will also probably include random thoughts or feelings that I will have the day that our posts are due.

Taken by Colleen Brandt, Charles River, Cambridge, MA

Taken by Colleen Brandt, Charles River, Cambridge, MA

I need a place to put myself. Hopefully, this blog will allow me to do just that.

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