The timing of this class coincides quite nicely with the fact that I have a new horse and everyone wants to be updated. I feel like there’s something I can do to make it easy for an audience to read something that I write… Luckily, I have wanted to create a blog for my new guy before even knowing this class existed! I want to take advantage of the opportunity I have to document the (mis)adventures I have with this new horse.

Horse blogs are everywhere. The first one I remember following as an early high school student was Eventing-A-Gogo, which followed the adventures of a woman and her beloved horse while also delving into some real-life talk. From there, I followed a few other similar blogs and developed an idea of how I wanted to my blog about me and about my horse. I don’t currently follow any as steadily I did in the past, but I enjoy poking around Hand Gallop, Pearl Classical Dressage, and the reader submissions on Eventing Nation. The blog for Wallace Eventing is one that read from time to time. It’s really amazing that a rider as accomplished as Elisa Wallace takes the time to keep a blog, albeit that her posts are a platform for her vlogs.
Another source that influences this upcoming blog is actually a past work of my own. During my senior year of high school, I wrote a blog for my senior project. Seniors do not take final exams at my high school, so the last day of classes for seniors is the Friday of the first week in May. For the remaining few weeks of school, seniors are working on their senior project, which was basically a big project that could be anything from shadowing a professional to creating a cookbook. I took advantage of the three or so weeks that I had off until graduation and returned with my horse to Kentucky to resume my position as head working student for an Olympic equestrian. For the project, you had to fill out this packet that had all of these generic questions about how you were growing and learning and stretching yourself. My advisor was my favorite teacher, so I half-way filled out the packet for each day of my project but I put all of my effort into the blog. I love looking back over this blog…almost four years later! I always try to write down things that I have learned from a clinic (whether I’m riding or auditing) or a series of really influential lessons, but I’ve never been consistent. I really like the way I designed everything, the voice I used, the images and descriptions, and the content. Here’s to hoping that I can keep this class blog going!