Tag Archives: syndicated

My Running Idols

I believe that it is very important in any sport to have someone to idolize. Luckily, I have many idols. Cross Country/ Track is full of so many inspiring athletes. Some of my most favorite elite distance runners Kara Goucher and Mary Cain. They are insanely talented runners, who have gone represented the U.S. at … Continue reading My Running Idols Continue reading

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We Lift Things Up and Put Them Down

Even though our fall season has technically been over for about a month now, we really have not seen any slow down. We are either running or lifting 6 out of 7 days of the week- just like in season. Don’t get me wrong here, I actually do enjoy being with the team and getting better every […] Continue reading

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Hunting For Jobs and the Dreaded End

So as I forgot to mention in my “about me” blog post, I am a senior this year. With that comes the realization that in less than six months I’ll be in the real world doing real world people things (whatever the hell that means). To be honest it’s starting to slap me in the […] Continue reading

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A Close Reading of Seamus Heaney’s, “Mid-Term Break”

For this week’s post I’ve decided to do a close reading of Seamus Heaney’s poem, “Mid-Term Break”, first published in his collection titled Death of a Naturalist. We briefly looked at this poem in my English 220 class but ever since… Continue Reading → Continue reading

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Another Look at Role-Playing Games: A Few Points About Two Games I Attended

As I said before, I played two games invented by my friends McClain and John. McClain’s game was a survival-horror genre game that had shor   t and simple limitations. John’s is a fantasy mash-up “4th wall” game that is… Continue Reading → Continue reading

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  Time is flying! I’ve been here for almost 3 months and I have gone through a storm of feelings and sensations. I have traveled, I have known amazing people, I have laughed and I have cried, but the most important thing is that I have learned. I spent my 24th birthday surrounded by new… Continue reading HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS Continue reading

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hawks and skunks and turkeys, oh my!

So I rolled my ankle last Sunday on my run. This Sunday, I saw a hawk flying across the academic quad of campus holding a squirrel. How peaceful on a Sunday morning. But it got me thinking to the various animal encounters I’ve had while running outdoors. I mean I love animals, but I’d rather […] Continue reading

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Weekend with the Grandparents

This past weekend, I was fortunate enough to spend a few nights at my grandmothers house with my brother. I did some filming for a future post and I definitely think I struck gold. Granny could be a movie star. She reminds me of Betty White. As soon as the camera was rolling it was… More Weekend with the Grandparents Continue reading

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Learning Russian in The Classroom

Before coming to Dickinson, I couldn’t read or write in Russian; it was soley conversational. I’ve always gotten away with slurring endings and mixing and matching them to my nouns and adjectives with my family and native speakers. (I never really thought much about grammar, I just spoke the way I heard words and phrases my whole life) … Continue reading Learning Russian in The Classroom Continue reading

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The World Traveller

Taylor Callaghan is one of my closest friends, roommate and on top of all of that, an avid traveller. Out of anyone I know, she has been to the most places, so I knew her experiences would be a perfect addition to my blog about traveling. She also loves taking pictures, and I knew she […] Continue reading

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