Christian Wulff Speech

On November 15th, 2021, Brendan Harlan ’22 and Dr. Janine Ludwig had the opportunity to attend a speech by Christian Wulff, the 10th President of the Federal Republic of Germany (2010-2012), on the topic “Streitunkultur als Gefahr für die Demokratie” (Discussion non-culture as a danger to the democracy). The event was organized by the political foundation Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Bremen.

The talk was followed by a panel discussion in which, among other things, it was explained to what extent argument culture has changed in recent years. Afterwards, Dr. Ludwig and Brendan had the chance to briefly talk to Christian Wulff himself.

For more information visit:

Photos: © Marcus Schmidt, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

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