Organic Transition: The College Farm is Growing Greener
Dickinson Website
September 15, 2009

Something new is growing at the Dickinson College Farm every season.

An equipment shed, a pond, greenhouses, solar panels and tent-like yurts that serve as housing for interns are among some noticeable additions to the college-owned and operated farm in Boiling Springs, six miles from campus.

Next year, in addition to any new visible features at the farm, the college is looking forward to announcing something new about the farm—its status.

This fall will mark the end of a third growing season during which no pesticides or synthetic chemicals were used on the vegetables, fruits and all other crops cultivated by college student interns and volunteers. After three years of such practices, the college can apply for status as a certified organic farm.

“We are currently transitioning to organic certification,” said Jenn Halpin, director of the farm. “After this growing season we will start the process of certifying two 13-acre fields to organic farm status. If all goes well, we hope to have certified organic status for the 2010 growing season.”

Meanwhile, continue to look for the farm’s produce on your salad plates and beyond. Dining Services uses the vegetables, and the produce is sold at the Farmers on the Square market in Carlisle on Wednesday afternoons and the lower level of the HUB every Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The college also donates up to 800 pounds of produce each week to Project S.H.A.R.E., which provides food to the needy in the community.