Agroforestry is broadly defined as the intersection of farming and forestry practices to make land more productive, while also realizing ecological benefits through diversity and stability. In 2011, the Pennsylvania DCNR and Bureau of Forestry awarded the Dickinson College Farm funds to implement the state’s first ever Agroforestry Demonstration Project. The farm will work cooperatively with the funders and a team of faculty and students to enact this project.

Silvopasture is an agroforestry practice that deliberately integrates trees and grazing livestock operations on the same land.

Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agroforestry Program at Dickinson College
Grant: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, $16,000

Funding will be used to develop, plan, and begin to implement a demonstration site for key agroforestry practices at the Dickinson College Farm. Where these practices already exist, funds will be used to improve species diversity and function, and to introduce species that will complement the farm’s production goals.

The Dickinson College Farm will host educational workshops/tours for landowners and natural resource professionals. Farm staff will work with partners to develop a brief educational “case-study” publication about the project for use as a template on various partner websites for other farmers, landowners and professionals. Both the educational programs and case-study publication will be done in conjunction with local agencies such as the DCNR Bureau of Forestry, NRCS, and the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay.

More about Agroforestry & Silvopasture

USDA Agroforestry Homepage

Six Key Principles for a Successful Silvopasture by Steve Gabriel, Cornell Small Farms Program