“We find the vegetables to be crisp and delicious, the recipes intriguing and the farm staff to be friendly and eager to please.  We feel fortunate to be a part of the Dickinson Farm CSA.”

“Your staff is always so very helpful and pleasant to interact with.  I love the smell of fresh produce and the way the produce is displayed.  Keep up the good work!”


“Thanks for the good work you do. I think the way in which the pick up is organized is tremendous. Really appreciate it. Also, we like that we can come and stroll around the farm on pick-up days. We enjoy seeing what you’re doing and having a chance to kick back and enjoy. Also like the pick-your-own flowers option.”

“We LOVE being part of the CSA! It’s been such a pleasure to enjoy the excellent produce! Thanks so much for all your hard work and for feeding us so well. We’ll be back next year for sure!”

“Love what you guys do–thanks so much and can’t wait for next season to begin!”

“It’s hard to pick just one thing we like best because we enjoy our farm share for so many reasons. We love the CSA and the Farm! It’s really all very wonderful. Keep up the good work!”

“I love going to the farm to pick up my share, cut flowers, and pick basil or tomatoes. The food is beautifully set out and everyone who works there is so friendly and helpful. The CSA, as well as reading I’ve done, has really changed my attitude toward food and sustainability.”

“I really enjoyed the strawberries and melons this year- I hope to see more strawberries in the future- they were delicious!”

“I love the CSA, only eat organic food and there is an amazing difference in the quality you produce. …Having had to buy organic produce this month (January) at the grocery store I was reminded how reasonable the CSA is and how amazing the food is.”