Dickinson College Farm’s anaerobic digester is 100% up and running! This innovative project is the result of over 5 years of planning and significant contributions from our supporters. We could not have made it across the finish line without the… Continue Reading →
Have you heard the buzz around the College Farm’s new waste-to-energy project? Looking to understand more about the structure and science behind the project? Check out this digester virtual tour and webinar featured on Penn State’s C-CHANGE Grass2Gas Webinar Series!… Continue Reading →
video by Stephen Munchel; summary by MaryAlice Bitts-Jackson Classes, close friends, clubs, res halls and … seedlings? For students who get involved with Dickinson’s College Farm, it’s all part of a quintessential college experience. Just ask Iris Ballard ’26 (environmental science, biology)… Continue Reading →
Check out this feature on student farmer Alex Arnold ’27 on the Dickinson website! Exceeding Expectations “I am particularly proud of the parts of Dickinson that make it unique—the things that really make it feel special. One of those things… Continue Reading →
The Dickinson College Farm student workers, apprentices, staff and friends have once again swept the field at the Anything that Floats competition just down the road at Children’s Lake in Boiling Springs, PA! The Farm team constructed two boats for… Continue Reading →
Video by Joe O’Neill; article by MaryAlice Bitts-Jackson Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro recently visited the Dickinson College Farm to learn about its award-winning biodigester project. He was not disappointed. “Think of what’s happening,” Shapiro marveled, speaking with fellow onlookers at the site of the… Continue Reading →
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