Category Alumni Spotlights

Alumni Spotlight: Kristiana Amberger ’14

Meet Kristiana Amberger! She was an environmental studies major at Dickinson and graduated in 2014. Food has always been important to Kristiana, but she did not become interested in farming until she had lab field trips out to the farm…. Continue Reading →

Farm Spotlight: Meet Odelya Matter!

Meet Odelya Matter, an exchange student from the Arava Institute whose studying at Dickinson this semester and working on the College Farm this summer! Odelya is originally from Jerusalem, Israel but has traveled extensively. Her first experience on a farm was… Continue Reading →

Alumni Spotlight: Lizzie Grabowski ’17!

Meet Lizzie Grabowski ‘17, an education and outreach extraordinaire! Lizzie first volunteered on the farm during Weed n’ Feed her freshman year. She then joined the farm crew as a student farmer her junior year thanks to former second year… Continue Reading →

Alumni Spotlight: Katelyn Repash ’11

Meet Katelyn Repash ‘11, an environmental studies major and the Procurement Manager for Lancaster Farm Fresh! Katelyn got involved on the farm through volunteering for Weed N’ Feed her sophomore year and working on the farm full time over the… Continue Reading →

Alumni Spotlight: Daniel Grover ’12

Meet Daniel Grover ‘12, a farming and cheesemaking extraordinaire! Daniel first got his start farming as a camp counselor for the FARM Institute on Martha’s Vineyard and knew he wanted to be involved with the college farm once returning to… Continue Reading →

Alumni Spotlight: Rachel Lerner ’19

Meet one of our most enthusiastic and energetic farm alums- Rachel Lerner ’19! Rachel graduated from Dickinson this past May with an Environmental Studies major and Food Studies Certificate. On campus she lived in the Treehouse, worked on the College… Continue Reading →

Alumni Spotlight: Wesley Lickus ’17

Meet Wesley Lickus ‘17, an Environmental Science major from Maine. Wes started working on the farm the first semester of his sophomore year and from then on he was hooked. He worked until graduation and for half a summer before… Continue Reading →

Alumni Spotlight: Cora Swanson ’17

Meet Cora Swanson ‘17, an Environmental Studies and Policy Studies major. The farm was a major reason Cora decided to come to Dickinson and she volunteered at the very first Weed and Feed of her freshman year. Cora enjoyed visiting the farm… Continue Reading →

Alumni Spotlight: Rob Page ’16

If you want to learn about how farming is about more than just digging in the dirt, just ask Rob Page ’17. Of course, that’s not to say that he doesn’t love a bit of digging in the dirt. Not… Continue Reading →

Alumni Spotlight: Avery McGuire ’13

Wild Food Around the World Avery McGuire knew she wanted to work in food and food systems as a high school student. So, it is no surprise that, upon arriving at Dickinson, she made her way out to the College… Continue Reading →

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