Category Farm Blog

Dickinson’s Energy Challenge 2014

To increase student participation in the 2014 Energy Challenge, which is running under the theme “student emPOWERment,” 15 residence halls will be competing for cash prizes in three categories: greatest reduction in an electric-heated building, greatest reduction in non-electric-heated building… Continue Reading →

OEFFA Certification Specialist

Julia Barton ’05 (Environmental Science and German), who was the College Farm’s first apprentice, is the Certification Program Manager at OEFFA. Check out OEFFA’s job opening for a Certification Specialist! Job Announcement Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) Certification… Continue Reading →

Lambing season!

It’s a lamb party at the farm! [youtube_sc url=”” title=”Lambs%20at%20Dickinson%20College%20Farm” border=”1″ color=”white” autohide=”1″]  

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