Month: November 2022Page 1 of 2

Do dogs dream?

Have you ever noticed your dog begin to kick or bark while they are sleeping? Sammy, who is my dog, does this practically every single night. While it…

Perception & Cognition

The way dogs perceive the world is different than the way we do, but that doesn’t stop them from communicating with us to understand their needs. Besides barking,…

Jealousy In Dogs

Have you ever noticed that after being around a dog that isn’t yours, your own dog becomes jealous? Personally, my dog Charlie becomes very jealous when I do…

Are Chihuahuas jealous?

Since jealousy often involves complex cognitive processes, it is generally believed that humans are the only species that experience this emotion. However, from a standard point of view,…

Dog toys

There are many benefits to giving your dog toys to play with. First, it makes them happy, and they have fun. This is very important and what owner…

Playfulness in Dogs

How Values of Beauty and Attractiveness Affect Dogs

Max is a 4-year-old boxer terrier mix. Max’s favorite foods include anything he can get his hands on, but he LOVES cheese. Max lives at home with Brady,…

Dogs Relationship With Others

Dogs evolved specific abilities to form unique relationships with others. Their relationships with others are very important because it can help grow the bond between the two. Remi…

Kylo the Black Lab

I didn’t know dogs could have Epilepsy. I was 12 years old, about ready to perform the Nutcracker in front of all of my friends and family when…

Dogs helping Human mental health

Dogs are the main contributors to helping people with their mental health, the benefits of a dog are endless and it is so important to how special these…