Dickinson College’s language departments have a wide variety of technologies to provide authentic language resources, extend the classroom, and bring students in contact with native speakers. Language courses frequently organize language exchanges via Skype, create multimedia projects in the target language, and use software that allows students to practice the four basic skills. Interested professors should contact Todd Bryant, Dickinson’s Language Technologist, at bryantt@dickinson.edu.
Can 8 is a language learning system that allows students to listen to audio or video tracks then respond verbally or with a written response. Student answers are recorded and can be monitored by the professor. Standard multiple choice, true/false and fill in the blank questions are also available. Questions can be organized for assignments, test reviews or oral exams..
Skype is widely used in the language departments to coordinate language exchanges with native speakers. Todd Bryant created a website called The Mixxer that connects language learners with each other. This is an open site for anyone in the world to connect with. Because of this, we are able to connect our students with individual language partners either during a lab hour or outside of class.
Antidote is a program used in the French department and is a plugin that appears within Microsoft Word to aid in students spelling and grammar while writing. In addition to providing corrections, the software links the incorrect words or phrases to reference books of French grammar built into the program.
Language Faculty & Students
Instructor Led-Overview
20-30 Minutes-In Class Time
- Learn about language software available in labs
- Learn about online resources that will aid in language learning
- Learn the multilingual functions available on OSX and Windows
- Learn where the Media Center is located and how to get technology assistance
Want to know more? Contact mediacenter at dickinson.edu to set up a consultation. You can also get a sneak peek of what we cover in our training by looking over our Training Outline.