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From The Educator's Desk Object Stories Uncategorized

Iran, Islam, and an Illumination: The Case of the Triangular Frame

In 1965 The Trout Gallery acquired a beautiful illuminated miniature featuring Ali, the son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad.  Little was known of this miniature at the time, but in 2017 a visiting professor of Islamic Art approached The Trout Gallery about using the object in one of her classes.  During her session at The Gallery, she identified the …

From The Educator's Desk Uncategorized

quARanTine Creatively!

    Here in Carlisle, The Trout Gallery isn’t the only visual arts organization that is developing new ways of engaging with audiences during COVID quarantine.  Last week, The Trout Gallery launched this site, Trout From Home, allowing us to bring original content to our audiences through staff-developed series, such as our Tales From the …


The Highest Height

On February 28th, 2020 Dickinson College senior art history students celebrated the opening of their exhibition, Framing Space: Depictions of Land, City and Sea.  The exhibition represents the capstone experience for art history majors at Dickinson.  Throughout the fall, they work collaboratively to select the works to be included in the exhibition, organize its layout, …

Object Stories

The Medium Matters

Look closely at this detail from a basket.  Do you see one man or two woven together?  Can you make out what looks maybe like words printed on some woven strips?  Are you curious to learn more?  Audiences who came to The Trout Gallery last year to see this and other baskets by Eastern Band …