We have a lot of new adds this week for WDCV, and a lot from last week as well. While we sort through the piles of CDs currently overflowing from the rickety bookshelves in the exec office, here is a little sample of the bigger names we’ve racked in for adds this week.
All of the music we have gotten is of course, awesomeee, but these three deserve a post all their own.

The xx — Coexist: This album is everything you’d expect from The xx, sensual slow beats and the pleasant harmonies of sultry male and female voices winding in and around each other. Their second studio produced album, Coexist is the product of the band’s endless touring for the past two years and the loss of their fourth member Baria Qureshi. The themes common to the xx’s previous album remain the same with Coexist, loneliness, love and lust dominant the lyrics of the album. Though their music is inspired by pop and dance music, their sound is simple enough to stand on its own whether the band is playing live or you just have Romy Madley Croft’s voice sighing in your ear through inexpensive headphones.
Recommended Tracks: Angels, Chained, Fiction, Sunset, Swept Away
RIYD: Purity Ring, Lykke Li

Animal Collective — Centipede Hz: The tenth studio album from Animal Collective, Centipede Hz is the first in a while to actually include collaborative efforts of all four original members Avey Tare, Panda Bear, Geologist and Deakin. More experimental and less clean cut than Merriweather Post Pavillion, one is reminded of the raw quality of albums like Sung Tongs and Strawberry Jam. Fans of the old Animal Collective will warm to this album, with its trance elements and unique collaged quality.
Recommended Tracks: Moonjock, Today’s Supernatural, Applesauce, New Town Burnout, Amanita
RIYD: Gang Gang Dance, Deerhunter

Cat Power — Sun: Layered musically as well as lyrically, SUN is Cat Power aka Chan Marshall’s first album of solely personal and self written material in six years. Marshall wrote all of the material herself, and the music reflects her independence as an artist as well as her ability to mold and manipulate multiple musical styles. The haunting guitar and throaty vocals classic to Cat Power’s previous style remain as well as the influence of a more upbeat electronic sound that makes her work more competitive with current synth pop.
Recommended Tracks: Cherokee, Sun, 3 6 9, Manhattan
RIYD: Bat For Lashes, Sharon Van Etten, Neko Case, Grimes
That’s all for this week, keep checking in for more featured artist updates!