Tag Archives: syndicated

Americans [who lived in Italy] answer Americans Question about Italian Food

Ciao a Tutti! 😀 Have you ever wanted to talk with Italians and asked them questions about food? Well, for those of you who have I have the perfect solution. Since I’ve been in the States, I’ve been asked questions but, still, my answers were too abstract for those people. Then, I began writing on … Continue reading Americans [who lived in Italy] answer Americans Question about Italian Food Continue reading

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Color on Campus

My final project for my “Writing in/for Digital Environments” class. Enjoy, and let me know what you think!   Continue reading

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What Is Synchro To You?

It’s time to  meet the rest of the team! You’ve met me and heard my stories of Team Reflections. I thought of different ways for you to meet the girls and learn about their individual takes on synchronized skating. I asked each of the girls to come up with one word they could use to describe synchro…

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The Christmas Tree

Here is a video post to spice up the holiday season, enjoy!
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Final Project! An inside view of Dickinson Cross-Country

Here is my final video! I hope you all enjoy it. In my final video I am trying to give an inside peek on what it’s like to be a member of Dickinson Cross Country- I show my team warming up, doing drills, working out, and cooling down. I also show some meet footage, courtesy […] Continue reading

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Table Top Lovecraft With VJ Kopacki

This weekend I sat down with my my friend VJ to talk a little bit more on Role Playing games as a whole. VJ had previously participated in both of the homebrew  Tabletop games mentioned earlier. I asked VJ a… Continue Reading → Continue reading

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Ellie has an Interview

The wait is over. All of you ravid readers finally get to hear what Ellie has to say! Ha. I wish. But in this mock interview is what Ellie would say if she had vocal cords and could speak English. Just to note, there will be some interjections from her temporary owner, Marianne Clancy,  seeing that […] Continue reading

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A Will to Run: Kayla Montgomery. An inspiration to us all.

I want to talk about another runner who is inspirational to my running. Her name is Kayla Montgomery. She is unique and an inspiration to all runners- including professionals. Kayla is not your “typical” high school runner, for she is battling MS. From a young age Kayla was an avid soccer player. She was a…

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Interview with my AMAZING ROOMMATE, Mary. A perspective of running, from someone who isn’t on the team.

I decided to interview my wonderful roommate, Mary, because she is a constant highlight to my life. She is always making my day and encouraging me to be the best I can be. She always listens to me complain about how much work I have or how tired I am, when in reality she is…

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An Alumnus on Dickinson

Q1: Describe your experience attending Dickinson. Sure. Thanks for having me here. I enrolled at Dickinson during the Fall of 2008. I was eighteen years old at the time. I was totally new to this environment. I had no idea what to expect. I knew that Dickinson had a diverse international community and I was…

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