Interdependence used to seem like a facet of life that was removed from my everyday being. However, now, I have realized how impactful it is on my normal day to day life. Rather than collecting the resources that we need to survive or crating the […]
Year: 2021
Interdependence Reflection- Anika
One example of a choice I make that could affect others is the food I decide to purchase that day. The food I choose directly affects who the money I used to purchase the food goes to. On the other hand, the food available affects […]
Interdependence Reflection – Leah
Interdependence brings so much ease to our lives that we never really realize. Instead of having to collect all the materials we need to live ourselves, there are other people who do the collecting and making for us, and in return, they receive some benefits […]
Interdependence Reflection- Julz
The idea of interdependence calls attention to the choices we do/do not make by creating a sense of self-awareness. To be interdependent, and realize to that and be thankful for all the people and things that go into what you enjoy, one has to be […]
Interdependence Reflection- Maddy Zegeer
When thinking about myself as a product of interdependence, I immediately think of Buddhist philosopher Thich Nhat Hanh’s “dependent arising.” He proclaims that the whole universe can be found in a piece of paper and it can be found in us, as well. The main […]
Rhyan Rigby
IMG_4589 Hey guys, here is my video, if it does not work on Safari it should definitely work on Chrome. So excited for our session today! Rhyan
Genevieve Ireland
Genevieve Ireland – Intro video
Jiberly Sandoval
Interdependence Reflection- Jackie Greger
Nearly all of my choices or purchases, such as food and clothing, affect others. I would see myself as a product of interdependence because I do not grow my own food, make my own clothes, or know how to build or put together most of […]
Julandry Almonte
Unfortunately, I could not add in my video. A global challenge I am passionate about is gender inequality. This is an issue that affects me and many other women across the world in various aspects. I’ve seen this play out in multiple ways in every […]