Category Archives: Project Proposal

I Want to Explore the Cities of the World

I am a transportation nerd. I love maps and infographics. I love sustainable urban design. And, I want to explore the cities of the world. If I cannot physically explore the cities of the world (at least not yet), why … Continue reading

Posted in Archives, Project Proposal | 8 Comments

Foodie & Fashion (FF)

I’m a foodie. Not an extreme foodie who acts pretentious when it comes to food, but someone who loves a good meal. My interest in this topic probably sparked when I was born, but that’s also the case for everyone … Continue reading

Posted in Archives, Project Proposal | 4 Comments

More than what we see

When I declared as an American Studies major, my advisor told me that no one would ever want to watch a movie with me again – and he was right. As an American Studies and English double major, I am … Continue reading

Posted in Archives, Project Proposal | 2 Comments

My dad wanted me to be a lawyer but…

This is a blog for those who don’t know what to do. This is a blog for those who don’t have every second of every day planned out with things they know they should do. This blog is for people like … Continue reading

Posted in Archives, Project Proposal | 3 Comments

A Work in Progress

Does this look familiar? A few weeks ago my friend asked if I wanted to check out a rope swing on the nearby Conodoguinet River.  A mere five minutes later, several of my friends and I were climbing a 40 … Continue reading

Posted in Archives, Project Proposal | 5 Comments

Deciding Dance

Dance has been a part of my life since I was five years old. So naturally dance is the subject for my blog, but there are many more aspects to dance than just the professional point of view. I aim … Continue reading

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I Can’t Swim!!! — Jumping Into the Pool of Blogging

From the beginning of this class, I knew that I wanted to use my blog to talk about all aspects of archives: technology, education, current trends, issues, news, and humor.  My main audience will be those involved with archives and … Continue reading

Posted in Archives, Project Proposal | 1 Comment

Cup of who?

I have been thinking of a blog project idea for about two weeks now taking into consideration my interests, skills, and weaknesses. I think that the idea I am into most is one where the blog would be called “cup … Continue reading

Posted in Archives, Project Proposal | 2 Comments