Project SHARE, Carlisle logoProject SHARE is a local food bank dedicated to serving and providing support for over 500 families in the greater Carlisle area. It is located at 5 N. Orange Street, within walking distance of Dickinson College.

The farm provides significant donations to the Food Bank during the Pennsylvania growing season. In the 2014 growing season alone, the farm donated 4,531 pounds of fresh certified organic vegetables to Project SHARE! Between June to October, Project SHARE’s Farm Stand is open four times per week to allow individuals in need to go select nutritious fruits and vegetables at the height of freshness. In summer 2011, there were more than 5,000 visits to the Farm Stand by members of the Carlisle community. The produce was also offered to the 950 families that come to Project SHARE’s our monthly distributions.

Since 2003, students working with the Dickinson Farm program have played an integral role in getting fresh fruits and vegetables to low income families. Over the past twelve years, students have been involved with connecting low-income communities and fresh, locally-grown food, from a program for gleaning from nearby farms to transporting weekly college farm produce donations to Project SHARE’s Farm Stand.

In an effort to assist local food bank recipients with access to fresh produce, the College Farm developed a work exchange program for low-income families in the area. With the assistance of Project SHARE, the Farm worked with two households in 2003 and 2004. Members of these households came out to the Farm once per week to work directly with the student farm workers. They assisted with harvesting, weeding, planting and watering. In return for their hard work, the households were offered shares of the weekly harvest. This program ran successfully for 20+ weeks.