The next session of the online reading group for Epictetus will be Friday, May 8th, 10:30 a.m. CST. We are starting at Ch. 5 The text is available at:
Join us at:
In these times when everything seems to be out of our control, we could all do with a good dose of Stoicism. Join me and a small reading group at LSU as we read through Epictetus’ Encheiridion and we learn answers to important questions such as: “What is and what is not in our control?” “How do we deal with what is not in our control?” and much more. The fun begins Friday, April 24th, at 10:30 a.m. CST.

Albert Watanabe
The text with vocabulary and notes may be found at: For this first Friday, we will be looking at chapters 1-4. If you need a refresher on background about Epictetus, click on the links in the left margin of the page. Thereafter, we will meet on Fridays until we finish the work. You can join us by clicking on the Zoom link:
If you have any questions, you can email me at
Albert Watanabe