edibles2Stalking Wild Edibles

Learn how to forage for edible plants on Saturday, May 30th! 

Saturday, May 30th, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM $10 CSA or PASA members/$12 non-members Discounted tickets available for students. Dickinson College Farm, 553 Park Drive, Boiling Springs, PA

Register: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/1475247

Back by popular demand, local forager Dawn Toutkaldjian joins Dickinson College Farm to impart her wisdom and enthusiasm for foraging wild edibles. This meandering workshop will take place in and amongst the fields at the College Farm. Participants will learn how to identify medicinal and nourishing edibles otherwise mistaken as weeds 

More about Dawn Toutkaldjian

ediblesDawn is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist, Herbalist, Yoga Instructor and Body/Energy Work Practitioner. Her love of nature has been blossoming since she was 3 when she began to explore her childhood property and gardened alongside her mother. Dawn has participated in the Master Gardeners Program and studied numerous herbal programs, including Rosemary Gladstar’s. She has facilitated a variety of nature programs for ages 3 through adulthood at schools, parks and in her backyard. Dawn especially enjoys sharing the many wonderful aspects of wild edibles and giving others the opportunity to use all their “senses” to discover, explore and be in balance with all the magic that is so abundant in nature.