
Originally from Chambersburg, PA, past student farmer and apprentice, Steven Finely, has recently moved on to work at Red Fire Farm in Montague, Massachusetts. In terms of organic farming, RFF is on the larger end of farms, with about 110 acres of diversified organic vegetable production at the Montague property and around 80 acres at their second location in Granby, MA farm.

Steven is a harvest leader, managing crews of 4-8 workers to accomplish each day’s tasks or harvest. He started working for Red Fire Farm in march, which gave him the opportunity to see the entire season from the beginning. He has enjoyed working for a larger scale organic farm, from seeding to seedling management and field prep, harvest and fall bulk storage harvesting.

As the season winds down, and there is less work in the fields to be done, Steven will be helping manage one of the markets that the farm is a part of in Northampton, MA. This will allow him to see how the business side of the farm operates and will allow him to help market the products that he has worked with all season long.

We are excited to have another farm alum continuing work in the farming business. Keep up the great work, Steven!