It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No…it’s Clark Chapman! Originally from Gotham City Princeton, NJ, this comic book and fantasy novel enthusiast is one of four apprentices that have lived and worked on the college farm for the past six months. What are Clark’s superpowers you ask? Keeping our crops well hydrated tops the list. As Matt’s right-hand man when it comes to irrigation in the fields and greenhouses, Clark’s hard work was key in making sure our veggies didn’t turn to jerky during dry spells earlier in the fall. But ask Clark what his favorite farm chore is and he’ll respond without hesitation: “chopping wood by hand…there’s no glory in the machine.” Maybe wielding an ax harkens back to his days on the Varsity Men’s Tennis Team?
A member of the Class of 2017 and student athlete, Clark was a philosophy minor, mathematics major, and received an honorary degree in caf-sitting. His quick calculations and mental math help keep track of harvest quantities on the farm and his grasp of natural logs were paramount in helping the crew cinch multiple victories at the annual Anything Floats boat race on the 4th of July.

Clark working hard (or hardly working?) staying on top of summer weeding.
When Clark isn’t in the fields, he trades in his gardener’s hat for a baseball cap and his Chacos and socks for tennis shoes and hits the gym. Nutrition and working out are his passions, and he is considering pursuing a career in personal training. However, immediate post-farm plans include a period of down-time, maybe a trip to visit a friend in Africa, or a quick lap around the country on motorcycle.
Clark has no-doubt left his mark on the farm and crew: reminding us all to slow down a little and appreciate the present. Perhaps his biggest legacy will be refusing to keep a calendar and, at the suggestion of one, shaking his head and muttering: “A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.” Or maybe his legacy will be his toe tattoos…probably his toe tattoos.
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