Read all about our most recent Education and Outreach Coordinator alum, Emma Weaver!


While at Dickinson, Emma majored in Environmental Studies and minored in Sociology. She was introduced to the College Farm through a friend of hers who had done the farm’s pre-orientation program. She attended the farm’s famous Farm Frolics event September of her freshman year, and then continued to attend farm events throughout the rest of her time at Dickinson. Emma lived with a handful of student farmers in the Treehouse and volunteered with them occasionally during her sophomore year. Emma continued to stay connected to the farm her junior year, and that summer participated in the summer student work share CSA. After that, Emma was able to start working for the farm full time as the Education and Outreach Coordinator a week after she graduated in 2019.

Emma has fond Summer memories from her time as the Education and Outreach Coordinator. She really enjoyed the summer potlucks the farm team had to better get to know each other. She also loved cooling off in the Yellow Breeches, going on trips to Fuller Lake with farm friends, and of course participating in the July 4th Anything Floats Race. Aside from fun memories, Emma gained an appreciation for farm work through her position at the farm. As the Education and Outreach Coordinator, she oversaw the farm’s two educational programs, ran farm events, organized volunteer opportunities, and managed the farm’s social media profiles and newsletter. Throughout her time in this position, Emma was also able to make connections with local farmers and learn from them, which inspired her to pursue a job in organic farming

After her position ended last summer, Emma, her boyfriend Luke (who also worked at the farm and graduated Dickinson in 2020), and their cat Patty (no affiliation with the College Farm) moved into a solar powered barn apartment in Midcoast Maine to start working at a twenty-acre organic vegetable farm. As part of the farm crew there they do all sorts of things like harvesting, washing produce, and weeding. While production is slower in the winter, Emma has spent more time doing markets and setting up the farm stand. While she is still pondering her future career moves, she is super excited to spend another season at the farm up in Maine and see where life takes her after that.