Read all about how the College Farm cultivated Evan’s love of food and what led him to pursue a Master of Social Work.

Evan harvesting strawberries in a field recently. He is wearing a baseball cap and a gray Dickinson shirt

Evan Dubchansky graduated from Dickinson back in 2014 majoring in Psychology and Religion. Before coming to Dickinson, Evan grew up in Los Angeles where he developed a love of food and explored this interest by working in different kitchens. At Dickinson, via Matt and Jenn’s “Politics, Production, and Pleasure of Food,” Evan gained a greater appreciation and more complete understanding of the US food system while also deepening his connection to the local food system. Outside of the classroom, Evan grew to love the College Farm. “I fell in love with its beauty, the role it played in the Dickinson and local community, and the creativity and ingenuity that the team brought to the work. “ Evan worked as a student farmer for four semesters throughout his time at Dickinson.

One of Evan’s most memorable moments on the College Farm happened one spring while working as a student farmer. Matt and Jenn had to leave for an important event the same time a calf was due to be born. They left Evan and his co-workers with detailed directions of how to help the cow as well as the vet’s number. While reflecting back on this memorable event, Evan says “I will never forget the way they trusted us and leaned into the inter-reliant and supportive relationships they have cultivated with their neighbors and community members.”

Another important portion of Evan’s time as a student farmer was picking up compost from the dining hall and a local grocery store in the mornings. This experience heavily influenced the way he views food waste. “The scope of our nation’s food waste is massive and inextricably linked to the prevalence of hunger. Food justice and environmentalism have remained pillars of my life, and I look for creative community solutions to promote access to fresh and healthy food and to reduce food waste (I often educate shoppers at the farmers’ market about what they can do with seconds!) “

Evan as a student farmer managing the farm stand. He is selling farm produce, mostly greens, to two people on Britton Plaza

As a student farmer, Evan also worked at the farm’s pizza on the plaza events which enabled him to get a job right after Dickinson. He worked as a line cook at a restaurant in Seattle and ran a meal program for people experiencing homelessness. A year later, he left to start working at a crisis respite program for people diagnosed with persistent mental illness. Working with a multidisciplinary team in this position inspired Evan to pursue a Masters degree. In 2016 he moved back to Pennsylvania to start a Masters in Social Work. Since completing this program, Evan has worked in legal non-profits, adding to the services they provided and advocating for just outcomes for clients.

Today, Evan is in Philadelphia working with a non-profit that provides civil legal services for people experiencing homelessness. On the weekends, Evan stays connected to the local food system by working with Three Springs Fruit Farm (a connection he made back in Matt and Jenn’s class!). In his free time, Evan also has an active ceramics practice and loves creating new functional ware. You can find his work on Instagram @e.dubchansky and be sure to let him know if you would like to trade for or purchase any of his creations.

In the near future, Evan hopes to get a clinical licensure as social worker “I am excited to continue working as a valued member of a multidisciplinary team and to think critically and  creatively about how we can respond collectively and communally to some very complex issues.”