mad at the farm

“Hey Hey! My name is Madison Beehler. I am a senior environmental science major. I am fascinated by how community and food impact health. I study environmental health in the classroom and then get hands on experience at the farm! I started working at the farm the summer after my first year at Dickinson. This was a very shaping experience for me. I grew up in a traditionally agricultural community. However, the connection between consuming and producing food has been lost for younger generations of people. Working at the farm, I got the opportunity to understand what it takes to put food on the table. Through endless conversations in the field, I began to understand the role food plays in our lives. It is the center of community and it is what builds our bodies. Food is physical and social medicine. This understanding has shaped my passion and my career direction. I hope to be involved in community based efforts around food education. I want to give young people, especially young women, the opportunity to understand their connection to food.

Now a little more about myself….. I love the sunshine, warm breezes, cool nights, smiles, community, putting food in jars, coffee, running, my clogs, dirt, getting to the top of a mountain, challenges, talking about feelings, my sisters, cows, bees, sleep and vegetables. I am sure I missed a bunch of other things. On campus, I have done an assortment of things but some of my proudest accomplishments are the work I have done with Take Back the Tap, my time as a community member at the Treehouse, my senior research project, and obviously the farm 🙂

If you have any questions about the farm, my experience there or how to get involved, email me! I would love to talk! (”