The College Farm is now accepting orders for our grass-fed lamb.

If you’d like to serve humanely raised certified grass-fed lamb to your family this winter, we have you covered! Pre-order a half or a whole lamb by Tuesday 12/5 and we will custom cut the meat to your liking. Or order some individual cuts a-la-carte. Our farm meats are delicious -we guarantee your satisfaction.

For more info please email

Lamb Order Form

We send our lambs to Animal Welfare Approved (AWA) butcher, Warrington Farm’s. This family-owned and operated business allows our lamb customers to choose the types of cuts that they want and decide the kind of packaging they prefer.The Dickinson College Farm manages its grass-fed livestock using a rotational grazing program. All of the animals are raised on pasture, eating only grass, clovers, and wild herbs for their nutritional needs. Our lambs are never fed corn, soybeans, other grains, or any growth promoting substances.

Farm Apprentices and student farmers actively manage the livestock, caring for them daily by ensuring that they have ample access to fresh grass, water and shade throughout the year. Their care and love for the animals is reflected in the relationships that they foster with our cows, sheep and chickens over the course of their time at the farm.

The Dickinson College Farm is proud to provide grass-fed, humanely-raised meat for the local community. We hope that our efforts to care for, respect and love these animals is reflected in the quality of meat and eggs that you eat. In recognition of our efforts to provide exemplary care for our livestock, we have begun the process of certification through the Animal Welfare Approved program, and anticipate gaining the AWA seal of approval this fall. Farm customers are welcome to visit the livestock and ask the farm crew about how the animals are raised.