Tag Archives: syndicated

What is “Bring on the Borscht” ?

Welcome to my very Russian yet very American life, that to me, seems completely normal. Recently I discovered that the blurred line between my cultures isn’t considered “normal” to most people. Thanks to my boyfriend’s shocked face in the middle of the dance floor at my cousins super Russian wedding a few weekends ago, I knew I … Continue reading What is “Bring on the Borscht” ? Continue reading

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Welcome to My Grandparent Stories

HERE I GO! People (my parents) have been telling me that I should create a blog in order to share my thoughts and opinions. Initially, I was flattered, but after deeper consideration I believe they simply used the blog idea to get me to shut-up for a few minutes and write. Well mom and dad,… More Welcome to My Grandparent Stories Continue reading

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The Rise of English: Part I

For my first ever post on this literary blog I thought it would be appropriate to start off with a bit of a history lesson. I want to travel back a couple of centuries and find out how literature as… Continue Reading → Continue reading

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Thursday Treasures 8/20

The humidity has been brutal recently so the theme of this weeks treasures are some snacks that can help you survive the heat while staying satisfied. 1. Greek yogurt with: -1-2 teaspoons of peanut butter -1 teaspoon of honey -handful … Continue reading Continue reading

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Emojis Unveiled

As someone who grew up and was raised in Connecticut, when I went to away to school there were certain terms I had never heard before. Even students from the Tri-state area used different terms. For example, I had always … Continue reading Continue reading

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Sovereign Islamic State?

Over the course of this semester, I have been researching the idea of the Islamic State having the capability to become a sovereign state in the international community.  Before you laugh at this post and claim that I am a psychopath, I want you to stop and consider the facts. When you look at this […] Continue reading

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ISIS Assault on Social Media

As I mentioned in the previous post, ISIS is using social media as a way to spread their influences and recruit. This is something that is increasing if anything rather than decreasing. If you look hard enough on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., you will most likely be able to find a page or a number […] Continue reading

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Lone Wolf Attacks

As we have all heard in the news as of late, the Islamic State has taken responsibility for a shooting near Dallas, Texas at a cartoon festival, which left both shooters dead.  The attack appears to be a home grown terror attack as the shooters obtained assault rifles and body armor.  This event is horrible […] Continue reading

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Spring Ahead with Positivity

Finally! Beautiful weather has arrived and I am loving it. Spring is a great time to reorganize and refocus. This past week I have taken the time to appreciate the simple things in life. 1. Room- With school coming to … Continue reading Continue reading

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Square Peg in a Round Hole

This week I was a bit of a movie junkie. I watched Divergent and Insurgent (both part of a series). Typically I am a chick flick type of girl however, these films intrigued me. I consider them a hybrid between … Continue reading Continue reading

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