Dickinson Summer Greek Workshop 2024: Xenophon, Cyropaedia


Moderators: Prof. Norman B. Sandridge (Howard University) 

Prof. Scott Farrington (Dickinson College) 

For the 2024 Dickinson Summer Greek Workshop we will read selections from Xenophons Cyropaedia, “The Education of Cyrus. Xenophon’s consideration of the best education for a just ruler, often described as a “historical romance,” contains elements of biography, philosophy, history, fiction, and political science. The crown jewel of Xenophon’s literary output, the Cyropaedia enjoyed great popularity in Republican Rome, was considered essential reading by Scipio, Cicero, and Cato, and has much to offer Hellenists of every stripe. Book cover for Loving Humanity, Learning, and Being Honored: The Foundations of Leadership in Xenophon's Education of Cyrus (Hellenic Studies Series) showing a Persian king in a garden.

Leading our workshop will be Prof. Norman B. Sandridge (Howard University), author of Loving Humanity, Learning, and Being Honored: The Foundations of Leadership in Xenophon’s Education of Cyrus (Center for Hellenic Studies, 2012). 

The workshop will take place on Zoom from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. EDT. We hope that this format will allow participants from around the world to join us. 

TO APPLY: Please email Mrs. Stephanie Dyson, Classical Studies Academic Department Coordinator (dysonst@dickinson.edu). Include your email and the name of the workshop you plan to attend. A non-refundable fee of $200.00 is due by June 1, 2024, in the form of a check made out to Dickinson College, mailed to Stephanie Dyson, Department of Classical Studies, Dickinson College, Carlisle PA 17013.