Jan 2019

Policies and Submissions

The web-based journal Glossen is published by a team of scholars on a server at Dickinson College. It is a bi-lingual, peer-reviewed online journal. Manuscripts may be written in German or English. Typically, contributions should be at most 20 pages long, preferably shorter. We welcome the use of graphic materials, sound, and video clips.

We are currently working on issues to be published into early 2025 and only accepting solicited submissions. Should you have a submission that does not need publication before 2026, please contact the editors at glossenjournal@dickinson.edu.

Submit to Glossen: German Literature and Culture after 1945


Scholarly articles are to be prepared in accordance with our style sheets:

Before final publication authors must submit an Authors Agreement to the editors at glossenjournal@dickinson.edu.

Materials submitted to Glossen may be duplicated or reprinted elsewhere if the original author agrees and if the original source (author and Glossen) is acknowledged. Copyright for individual contributions to Glossen remains with the authors unless indicated otherwise.

Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that they have not been previously published.

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