Dec 2017
Autorenbiografien | Glossen 43
Reinhard Andress ist Professor für deutsche Sprache, Kultur und Literatur an der Loyola University-Chicago, USA. Er war u.a. Gastprofessor an der Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Zu seinen Buchveröffentlichungen gehören: Protokolliteratur in der DDR (2000) und „Der Inselgarten“ – das Exil deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller auf Mallorca, 1931-1936 (2001). Eine Übersetzung aus dem Spanischen ins Deutsche von Benno Weiser Varons Exilroman Yo era europeo als Ich war Europäer (zusammen mit Egon Schwarz) ist 2009 erschienen. Herausgeber von Fred Hellers Das Leben beginnt noch einmal (2016). Zahlreiche weitere Veröffentlichungen zu Exilthemen und Alexander von Humboldt.
Albrecht Classen ist University Distinguished Professor of German Studies an der University of Arizona, wo er vor allem mittelalterliche und frühneuzeitliche Literatur und Kultur lehrt und erforscht. Neben seinen mittlerweile 94 wissenschaftlichen Büchern hat er auch neun Bände eigener Lyrik publiziert. Er veröffentlicht regelmäßig Gedichte, seit jüngstem auch satirische Prosatexte, in Trans-Lit2. 2004 erhielt er das Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande, 2009 verliehen ihm die Studenten der UoA den Five Star Faculty Award, 2012 erhielt er den Carnegie Foundation Arizona Professor Award, 2015 den Faculty Advisor Award, und 2017 wurde er zum Großritterkommandeur des Most Noble Order of the Three Lions (GCTL) ernannt.
Carol Anne Costabile-Heming is Professor of German at the University of North Texas. She has published widely on Wende literature, including essays and book chapters on Volker Braun, F. C. Delius, Jürgen Fuchs, Günter Grass, Günter Kunert, Peter Schneider, and Christa Wolf, as well as essays on memorialization projects in Berlin. She serves as associate editor for the Journal of Contemporary Urban Studies. Along with Rachel Halverson she published a volume of essays entitled Taking Stock of German Studies in the United States: The New Millennium (2015), and she is currently completing a monograph on Friedrich Christian Delius.
Gabriele Eckart ist eine deutsche Autorin und “Professor of German and Spanish” an der Southeast Missouri State University.
Fred Freeman is a ceramics artist and retired professor of Psychology who taught at Old Dominion University for 37 years. In recent years, he has taken a variety of workshops and classes including some at the Hermitage Museum in Norfolk, at the Contemporary Art Center of Virginia with ceramic artists Lesley Hildreth and Dede Schmidt, and with ceramic artist Barbara Kobylinska. He has a studio at the d’Art Center at 740 Duke Street in downtown Norfolk and is an associate artist at The Artists Gallery in Virginia Beach. He has won awards of merit and honorable mentions at art shows in the Tidewater communities communities of Hampton Roads in Southern Virginia.
Susanne Habel, 1960 in München geboren und in Bayern aufgewachsen. Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherexamen und abgeschlossenes Lehramtsstudium der Germanistik und Anglistik an der Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München. Tätig als Journalistin und Redakteurin in München und Berlin.
Maria Hofmann is a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of German at Middlebury College. She received her PhD in German and Moving Image Studies from the University of Minnesota in 2017. Her research examines how nonfictional media respond to challenges of the post-truth era. In particular, she is interested how contemporary documentary films find new and inventive strategies to address issues that suffer from a crisis of perception where conventional media approaches fail to provide critical engagement. Her work focuses on documentary film, genocide and Holocaust studies, and contemporary literature and culture.
Frederick A. Lubich, 1951 als Kind mährischer Eltern im schwäbischen Göppingen geboren und aufgewachsen. Autor von über 400 Veröffentlichungen einschlieβlich Fachbüchern zu Thomas Mann, Max Frisch, Paradigmenwechseln der Moderne, sowie literaturwissenschaftlichen Aufsätzen, journalistischen Essays (Argentinisches Tageblatt, New Yorker Aufbau, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung etc), Übersetzer (u.a. von Yoko Onos Rockoper New York Story und deutsch-amerikanischen Drehbüchern), Herausgeber mehrerer Sammelbände und Autor von rund hundert lyrischen Publikationen auf Schallplatte, in Literaturzeitschriften und Lyrik-Anthologien. Lehraufträge an sieben amerikanischen Colleges und Universitäten und Gastvorträge in über 30 Ländern, sowie Features und Interviews in Rundfunk und Fernsehen in Deutschland, Amerika, Finnland, Marokko und Ägypten.
Manuela Mourão (artist website) is a literary scholar and mixed media visual artist. She teaches literature at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, and has published mainly on 18th- and 19th-century literature and culture, as well as on issues of gender and race. Her most recent work explores the intersections of art, scholarship, and personal identity. Three of her exhibitions in particular—Whitewash, Remainders and Habit—exemplify that practice as they investigate race, nationality, and cultural experience from a multidisciplinary perspective that widens the scope of the inquiry to blend scholarly analysis with personal, subjective impressions.
Michael Panitz is an academician and a rabbi. He teaches courses in Hebrew language, Religious Studies, and History at Old Dominion University and at Virginia Wesleyan College, and serves as the spiritual leader of “Temple Israel”, all in Norfolk, Virginia. Dr. Panitz sees the pastoral and the academic sides of his career as several means to the end of fostering ethical and multi- cultural community. In his scholarly publications, Dr. Panitz has focused on aspects of Jewish intellectual and social history illuminating the interaction of Jews with the cultures and ideas of their contemporaries. He is currently researching and writing “See, O Israel”, an intellectual-historical guide to cinematic retellings of Bible stories.
Utz Rachowski, born 1954 in Saxony (Germany). He was a former political prisoner in East Germany and was sentenced to 27 months in jail due to five of his own poems. He published 14 books with stories, essays and poetry. He has received the Reiner Kunze Prize (2007), the Hermann-Hesse-Grant (2008), and the Nikolaus-Lenau-Prize (2014). In 2013 he was nominated in the US for a Pushcart Prize. He is a member of the P.E.N.-Centre of German-Speaking Writers Abroad.
Axel Reitel, geboren 1961 in Plauen/Vogtland, Schriftsteller und Journalist. Ging 1982 nach Haft und Freikauf nach Berlin und studierte an der TU Kunstgeschichte und Philosophie. Schreibt Prosa, Lyrik sowie Features, Reportagen und Essays fürs Radio. Mitglied des PEN-Zentrum deutschsprachiger Autoren im Ausland. 2016 Verleihung der Solidarność-Dankbarkeitsmedaille durch das Europäische Solidarność-Zentrum in Gdansk.
Angela Scarlis, born in Munich, Germany in 1951, lives and writes in Alexandria, VA since 1989. Editor in various German publishing houses, academic publications in the fields of educational science, aesthetic education and gender issues under the name of Dr. Angela Jurinek-Stinner; installations and performances as a visual artist under the name of Angela Scarlis; literary publications under the pen name Angela Goldemund: The Gray Notebook of a Stranger – a Poetic Breviary for Seekers, contributions to TRANS-LIT2 since 2006, recipient of the Lisa and Robert Kahn Lyric Prize 2016.
Christa Speidel, geboren 1966 in Freudenstadt, besuchte die Deutsche Schule in London und das Heinrich Hertz Gymnasium in Bonn. Nach dem Abitur studierte sie Musikwissenschaften und Kulturmanagement in Köln Nach Abschluss als Dipl. Kulturmanagerin VWA arbeitete sie im Bereich PR-und Künstlermanagement. In Köln baute sie “kick.classic” mit auf und war zuständig für die PR verschiedener CD-Veröffentlichungen wie Michael Nymans „Piano Concert“, „Christmas in Vienna“, Markus und Simon Stockhausens „Clown“. PR-Tätigkeit für TV-Serien wie “Hinter Gittern – Der Frauenknast”, “Letzte Spur Berlin”. Ihr mit Jovan Evermann geschriebenes Buch “Hinter Gittern – Der Frauenknast. Die Stars. Inside & Outside” stand im Jahr 2000 auf der SPIEGEL-Bestsellerliste.
Jenny Windsor (artist website) was born and raised in Roanoke, Virginia. She has been painting for over thirty years. She studied art at Tidewater Community College, Old Dominion University and Studio Incamminati in Philadelphia. Her works have been featured in numerous galleries and juried shows selected by jurors as diverse as artists Faith Reingold, William Berry, Sondra Freckelton, curator Brooks Alexander and Tom Armstrong, Director Emeritus of the Whitney Museum. She has received many awards, including a Best-in-Show Award at the Mid-Atlantic Show in Norfolk. Her works are held in over a dozen collections including Norfolk State University, Duke University Hospital, Austin Peay State University, Central Carolina Bank, and Smithfield Foods.