Dec 2020
VII: Autoren
Gabrielle Alioth wurde 1955 in Basel geboren, studierte Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Kunstgeschichte an den Universitäten Basel und Salzburg und war als Konjunkturforscherin tätig. Seit 1984 lebt sie als Schriftstellerin in Irland. Neben Romanen publiziert sie Kinder-, Reise- und Sachbücher sowie Lyrik auf Englisch, arbeitet journalistisch und unterrichtet an der Hochschule Luzern. Lesereisen in Europa, Indien, Kanada, Südafrika, dem Iran und den USA. Mitglied der Jury des International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award 2009. Mitglied des PEN Zentrums deutschsprachiger Autoren im Ausland. 2017-2020 Mitglied der Programmkommission der Solothurner Literaturtage. E-Mail: info(at)
Ute Jansen-Alonzo grew up in Post-WWII Germany and studied design at the Folkwangschule für Gestaltung in Essen, Germany, before she came to the United States. She was Design Director for Ebony Magazine for twenty years, where she collaborated with international photographers throughout the fashion world. Her award-winning career in book design started at the University of Chicago Press. For ten years, she had her own studio for conceptualizing special visual projects in Chicago. She also served as guest instructor in the Marketing Department of Columbia College Chicago. She was chosen “Woman of the Year” by Chicago Women in Publishing.
Billy Badger is a Senior Lecturer in German at the University of Tasmania. His research interests center on contemporary German music, oral poetry, hip-hop and musical sampling theory. He is interested in the complex connections between music, poetry and the arts, and has published widely in this area. Recent publications include articles on the musical palimpsest, the literary collages of German poet, singer and artist Lydia Daher; and the rap-poetry of German rapper and slam poet Bas Böttcher. Badger’s book on Böttcher was published in 2015. E-Mail: billy.badger(at)
Peter Bakowski, tall when necessary, has been writing poetry for 37 years, remains influenced by the following quote, attributed to Robert Frost—“Make your next poem different from your last.” In 2015, Éditions Bruno Doucey of Paris published a bilingual selection of his poetry, titled Le cœur à trois heures du matin. In 2021 Éditions Bruno Doucey will publish a further bilingual selected, titled La saison du courage. In Australia, Peter has had seven solo full-length poetry collections published. E-Mail: pbakowski54(at)
Jennifer Bern-Vogel received her ordination at Hebrew Union College in New York City in 1995. Her previous studies included Beloit College in Wisconsin and opera at the Hannover Musik und Theater Hochschule after which she performed musical theater and operetta throughout Germany and Switzerland. She studied Yiddish art song with legendary singer, Masha Benya and performed with the New York Yiddish Folksbiene Theater. She is a board-certified chaplain with the Association of Professional Chaplains, served Ohef Sholom Temple in Norfolk, Virginia (1996-2009) and has been the cantor for Congregation Emanu El in Redlands, CA since 2009. E-Mail: cantorjenbv(at)
Peter Eudenbach uses sculpture, video, and curatorial projects to explore the relationships between function and absurdity by challenging our expectations of the commonplace. Eudenbach’s work has been shown nationally and internationally at venues such as the Kunstverein Grafschaft Bentheim in Neuenhaus, Germany, the Taubman Museum of Art in Roanoke, Virginia, the Redwood Library in Newport, Rhode Island, and the Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art in Charleston, South Carolina. He lives in Norfolk, Virginia, where he is the Chair of the Art Department at Old Dominion University., E-Mail: PEudenba(at)
Frederick A. Lubich is the author and editor of seven books, including studies on Thomas Mann and Max Frisch as well as circa 400 scholarly, literary and journalistic publications in newspapers such as Argentinisches Tageblatt, New Yorker Aufbau, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. His translations include film scripts for transatlantic co-productions and Yoko Ono’s rock opera New York Story. His scholarly and creative work has been featured in the print media, on LP, CD’s, in television and radio programs in the United States and abroad. He has lectured widely in over 30 countries. E-Mail: flubich(at)
Janine Ludwig is a literary scholar, Academic Director of the Durden Dickinson Program at the University of Bremen, there Vice Head of the Institute for Cultural German Studies (IfkuD) and Chairwoman of the International Heiner Müller Society. Aside from numerous articles, she has published two books on Heiner Müller (Ikone West and Macht und Ohnmacht des Schreibens) and, with Mirjam Meuser, two edited volumes on post-GDR literature: Literatur ohne Land? Dr. Ludwig teaches at the Departments of Cultural and German Studies at Uni Bremen and recently, with Uwe Spörl, a seminar on “Forgotten Wende Literature” (publication will follow). E-Mail: janine.ludwig(at)
Michael Panitz is a historian and a rabbi. His research interests focus on modern Jewish history and the reception history of biblical and traditional religious narratives in post-traditional societies. Dr. Panitz teaches Hebrew language at Old Dominion University and Religious Studies at Virginia Wesleyan University. As a rabbi, he has served Temple Israel, a congregation in Norfolk, Virginia, since 1992. E-Mail: bachbartok(at)
Susanna Piontek ist 1963 in Bytom, Polen geboren. Sie ist Sprachlehrforscherin, Journalistin und Rundfunkredakteurin. Seit 2006 als freie Autorin in Michigan, USA. Hauptveröffentlichungen: Rühlings Erwachen und andere Geschichten, 2005 bei vbb. Übersetzung unter dem Titel „Have we possibly met before? And other stories“, 2011 von Culicidae Press in Iowa/USA. In einer Falte der Welt, 2018 bei der Dahlemer Verlagsanstalt. Kurzgeschichten, Gedichte, Rezensionen und Essays erschienen in Anthologien und Magazinen in Europa, USA und Israel. Sie ist Mitglied der europäischen Autorenvereinigung „Die Kogge“, des P.E.N.-Zentrums deutschsprachiger Autoren im Ausland und von SCALG. 2015. SCALG–Lisa und Robert Kahn-Lyrikpreis, SCALG Geertje Potash-Suhr-Prosapreis.
Axel Reinhard Reitel, geboren am 7. April 1961 in Plauen (Vogtland). Zu seinen frühen Gedichtthemen gehören der im DDR-Alltag zutage tretende Ost-West-Zwiespalt. Für insgesamt vierundzwanzig Monate gerät er zwischen 1978 und 1982 in die Gefängnismühlen der Staatssicherheit. 1982 erfolgt der Freikauf durch die Bundesrepublik. 1985-1990 Studium der Kunstgeschichte und der Philosophie an der TU-Berlin. In dieser Zeit erscheinen die ersten beiden Prosabände. 1990 für zwölf Jahre Rückkehr nach Plauen. Ab 2002 wieder Lebensmittelpunkt Berlin. Diktatur-Forschung u.a. an der FU Berlin. Zehn eigenständige Titel. Zehn Radiofeatures für den ARD-Hörfunk. Auszeichnungen: u.a. Solidarność-Dankbarkeitsmedaille, verliehen 2016 in Gdansk. E-Mail: axel.reitel(at)
Anna Rosmus, from Passau, Germany, is the author of fifteen books and the real-life heroine of the 1990 Verhoeven film “The Nasty Girl.” For 40 years, she has documented xenophobia, anti-semitism and the complex lives of immigrants. Presented with numerous awards, including the American Society of Journalists and Authors’ Conscience-in-Media Award, the Tucholsky death mask, and the Galinski Prize, the highest honor by the Jewish Community in Berlin, she was twice featured on CBS’ “60 Minutes” and has been honored by the D.C. Chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association and the American Immigration Law Foundation with the Immigrant Achievement Award. E-Mail: passau11(at)
Guy Stern, geboren 1922 in Hildesheim als Günther Stern. 1937 Emigration in die USA. Universitäts-Stationen in New York City (Columbia University), Cincinnati und Maryland, von 1981-2002 Distinguished Professor für Deutsche Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte an der Wayne State University in Detroit. Mehrere Gastprofessuren in Deutschland. Als Autor und Herausgeber Veröffentlichung zahlreicher Bücher zur deutschen Literaturgeschichte, insbesondere zur Emigranten- und Immigrantenliteratur. Nach der Emeritierung seit 2002 Direktor des Instituts für Altruismusforschung am Holocaust-Museum in Detroit. Mitbegründer der Lessing Society, Vize-Präsident der Kurt Weill Foundation for Music. Präsident des PEN-Zentrums deutschsprachiger Autoren im Ausland. Auszeichnungen u.a.: Großes Verdienstkreuz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1987), Goethe-Medaille (1989), Ritterorden der französischen Ehrenlegion.
Thomas Thornton studierte Germanistik in Freiburg i. Br. und an der University of California at Santa Barbara, wo er über Gegenwartsliteratur promovierte. Nach einer frühzeitig abgebrochenen akademischen Karriere arbeitete er lange als Verlagslektor in New York. Heute lebt er als freier Übersetzer in Berlin. Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen, hauptsächlich über kulturelle Themen. Gegenwärtig arbeitet er an einem Buch über den „Chevalier“ John Taylor. E-Mail: thos.thornton(at)
Gabriela Christie Toletti was born in Montevideo (Uruguay). She is Arts and Humanities Chair and Spanish Professor at Tidewater Community College (Virginia, U.S.). She is also Adjunct Professor of World Cultural Studies at Old Dominion University (Virginia, U.S.). She graduated as Teacher of English as a Foreign Language from the Alianza Cultural Uruguay-EEUU, as Clinical Psychologist from the University of Uruguay, and with an MA and PhD in Latin American Literature from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Her publications explore issues of migration, oppression, dictatorship, cultural identity, group dynamics, pedagogy, and language teaching. She resides in Norfolk, Virginia. E-Mail: G.christie.toletti(at)