Dickinson College Humanities Program in Norwich

Entries from April 2009

What's Ahead?!

April 23rd, 2009 · 25 Comments

The semester is not yet over, but you have already been thinking ahead to next year. Module selections are complete; orientation is over; lots of paperwork has been filled out. Now we await visas! But first, we have technology training sessions and a cookout at my house. Then you’ll go your separate ways and await a syllabus and LOTS of reading for the summer before you arrive in London on 20 August. So, tell us what you are expecting in London and Norwich. What do you most look forward to? What are you hoping to learn? What are you anxious about? What hobbies or interests do you hope to continue? What is something new that you hope to try? This is our opening for the blog, and the beginning of your  participation in our collective learning experience. I look forward  to a fun, exciting, and  EDUCATIONAL year ahead. Fasten your seatbelt; it is gonna happen fast!

Tags: Professor Qualls

What’s Ahead?!

April 23rd, 2009 · 25 Comments

The semester is not yet over, but you have already been thinking ahead to next year. Module selections are complete; orientation is over; lots of paperwork has been filled out. Now we await visas! But first, we have technology training sessions and a cookout at my house. Then you’ll go your separate ways and await a syllabus and LOTS of reading for the summer before you arrive in London on 20 August. So, tell us what you are expecting in London and Norwich. What do you most look forward to? What are you hoping to learn? What are you anxious about? What hobbies or interests do you hope to continue? What is something new that you hope to try? This is our opening for the blog, and the beginning of your  participation in our collective learning experience. I look forward  to a fun, exciting, and  EDUCATIONAL year ahead. Fasten your seatbelt; it is gonna happen fast!

Tags: Professor Qualls