Wow, what a busy couple of weeks. But what a joy it has been reading and, in some cases, re-reading good literature. My days have been filled mostly with trying to arrange for various events in London, get our home ready for our departure, finish up my duties on campus, and learn about my new duties in Norwich. But my evenings have frequently found me curled up in bed with Virginia Woolf, Buchi Emecheta, and Zadie Smith. I don’t think my wife minds sharing her bed with these women! I love ending the day reading a good novel, and I have not been disappointed with my selections so far. I hope that students enjoy these readings and find them as useful to understanding some parts of London as I have. I’m sure that you all will tell me eventually whether you like my selections or not.
London preparations
June 19, 2009 · 2 Comments
Categories: Professor Qualls · readings
Tagged: books, readings
2 responses so far ↓
becca136 // Jun 23rd 2009 at 11:13
So far I have been really stress out about money for England. I don’t have a job. My boss at Rite Aid said he had work for me then he didn’t and then he did. I applied to Macy’s but had to turn them down because my R.A. boss told me he had me on the schedule when he didn’t. Needless to say, I was very very angry at him!!
I have also been doing the reading. I miss interrupted the email and accidentally read ALL of the History of Britain by Simon Schama (very long book). However, I am kinda glad I made the mistake because I learned a lot form the book. I finished the History of London in 2 or 3 days. I am now slowly moving through Troilus and Cressida (I made it through act 3). Although I am an English major I have never been too enthused about Shakespeare.
I cannot wait to get the visa stuff over with and hop on the plane!!!
hankreas12 // Jul 8th 2009 at 13:40
As much as I can’t wait to finally be in London I have really enjoyed preparing for the trip so far (minus the visa process).
I’ve really liked the Summer reading so far. I thoroughly enjoyed Tarquin Hall’s Salaam Brick Lane and Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway was a book that I had been trying to read for some time and finally had a chance to which was great. I’ve also managed to read Brick Lane by Monica Ali and am currently working my way through Shakespeare.
In addition I took Prof. Qualls advice and bought the DVD version of Simon Schama’s History of Britain. Like the book, it is also quite lengthy but very engaging and gives a great glimpse over the entire span of British history.
I have also been lucky enough to be working with Tristan Deveney this Summer who recently got back from his year abroad at UEA. I have certainly been peppering him with many questions about his experience.
Hope everyone is having a great Summer and I will see you all in about 6 weeks!
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