The epic conclusion!
I arrive at the allotment at 10. Since it is Sunday, the allotment is quite busy, so I get straight to work. I have finished clearing my patch of earth, but I need to hover back over every inch of it to pull out any remaining weeds. It is fickle, tedious, unrewarding work, but it is indeed an integral, unavoidable part of the same task that has occupied my hours previously spent at the allotment, one that I do deem rewarding.
I spend the entire duration of the alltoment’s Sunday “open hours” 10:00-13:00 busy at work, and I have removed a lot of weeds, tracked down remaining roots from the soil and removed them too. Also, I have raked the soil multiple times to remove rocks, yet, after the three hours spent doing so, there is still plenty of visable work yet to be done; weeds to be pulled and compost to be added. lBut, in spite of this, the progress I have made is quite noticable.
I have enjoyed my 20 hours spent at the allotment, and I feel a sense of commitment to the project I have started. Though this last three hours completes my number of required hours, the project is not complete. I plan to return to the allotment during the next “open hours” on Wednesday, talk to Mahesh while he is less busy, and work out a plan to finish the job. I certainly have the time for it, so I think I shall indeed keep volunteering while in Norwich.
Date: 8/5
Time: 10:00 – 13:00
Location: Allotment
Supervisor: Mahesh
Hours: 3
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