Vladimir Petrushevsky

An Archive

April 15th, 1915

С 11 по 14 апреля был в Варшаве. Попал случайно.

Вчера пришел приказ, что я переведен в 6-ой эскадрон ротмистра Барнова. Это меня печалит, я так свыкся со 2-ым эскадроном. К нам приехал старший штаб-офицер полковник Скуратов, переведенный из Лейб-Гвардии Конно-Гренадерского полка, молодой и бравый.

I was in Warsaw from the 11th to the 14th of April. I ended up there by chance.

Yesterday an order arrived stating that I have been transferred to the 6th Squadron of Cavalry Captain Barnov. That made me sad, as I had become very accustomed to the 2nd Squadron. A senior staff officer, Colonel Skuratov, arrived in our squadron, having been transferred from the Life Guard’s Mounted Grenadier Regiment. He is young and brave.