Vladimir Petrushevsky

An Archive

January 21st, 1916

Встали в 6 часов утра и пошли на сборный пункт, а оттуда на позицию к станции Ливенгоф. В 8 часам вечера пришли туда. На позиции можно было оставить половину офицеров, поэтому я решил отвести коноводов сам, пришел только к 12 часам ночи.

We got up at 6 am and went to the assembly point, and from there we proceeded to a position at the Livenhof Station. We arrived there at 8 pm. Half of the officers could be left in this position, and so I decided to take the horse handlers to their location myself. It was already midnight by the time I arrived.