Vladimir Petrushevsky

An Archive

March 15th, 1916

Сегодня неожиданно и спешно, как всегда бывает на войне, в 11 часов объявили о выходе на позицию на смену частей 2-ой кавалерийской дивизии на участке Царьград до станции Лаврецкой. Все эскадроны в линии, а сзади в резерве лишь болото. Участок моего эскадрона 2,5 версты, а защитников 64 человека.

Today at 11 o’clock it was announced suddenly and hastily, as is always the case in war, that we were moving to a new position in order to relieve the Second Cavalry Division in the area between Tsar’grad and the Lavreskoy Station. All the squadrons are on the front line and behind us, in reserve, there is only the swamp. My squadron’s area comprises 2.5 versts, but there are only 64 people to defend it.