Vladimir Petrushevsky

An Archive

May 8th, 1916

Насколько тепло было в апреле, настолько холодно теперь. Мы пока все в резерве. Ездил осматривать костел в Ликсно. Немцы пробили его в 4 местах. Кругом громадные воронки. По- видимому, у немцев дальнобойные орудия, так как их позиции в 10 верстах. Цветет сирень, яблоня и т.д.

It is as cold now as it was warm in April. For the time being we are all in the reserves. I went to inspect a church in Līksna. The Germans blew holes in it in 4 places. There were huge craters around it. Apparently, the Germans have long-range cannons, since they were positioned 10 versts away. Lilacs, apple blossoms, and such are blooming.