Vladimir Petrushevsky

An Archive

January 7th, 1916

Уехал ротмистр Барнов, и я остался за командира эскадрона. Делая конное учение и в снегу попав в канаву, чуть не разбился. Мой «Улан» вскочил и потащил меня, но на счастье сапог порвался, и я высвободил из стремени ногу. Вечером был в штабе полка, мы занимались глупым делом – спиритизмом.

Cavalry Captain Barnov has left and I remained in charge of the squadron. During our equestrian training in the snow, I fell into a ditch and was nearly seriously injured. My “Lancer” bucked up and began to drag me, but luckily my boot ripped and I was able to free my leg from the stirrup. I spent that evening at regimental headquarters; we occupied ourselves with a foolish thing–communicating with spirits.