December 19th, 1914
Сегодня вахмистр Россиев в 1 час дня поехал в Варшаву, и я отправил с ним целую пачку писем. Говорят, что из 14-ой кавалерийской дивизии всех офицеров взяли в пехоту, там большая убыль.
Почти все наши в Варшаве, в полку – пусто. Опять довольно холодно.
At 1 pm today, Seargant-Major Rossiev left for Warsaw and I sent an entire packet of letters with him. Rumor has it that all the officers from the 14th Cavalry Division were incorporated into the infantry, since they have a deficit.
Almost everybody from our regiment is in Warsaw. There is nobody here. Once again it is quite cold.