Vladimir Petrushevsky

An Archive

January 3, 1920

Генерал Зинкевич вел переговоры с комиссарами и заключил мир. Уже начинают формироваться отряды офицеров для прохода на восток.

Опять идем по тракту. Я уже раз 40 пересекал ж/д, но теперь тракт идет все время севернее ж/д. Очень красивая дорога: горы вроде Уральских и лес. Утром перехали Енисей.

General Zinkevich led negotiations with the commissars and secured peace. Parties of officers are already starting to prepare for their passage to the east.

We are again taking the highway[1]. I have already crossed the railway 40 times, but now the highway always runs to the north of the railway. It is a very beautiful road—mountains similar to the Urals and woods. This morning we crossed the Yenisei River.

[1] The Moscow Highway, also known as the Great Highway or the Siberian Route.