Vladimir Petrushevsky

An Archive

March 25th, 1917

Генерал Попов за труды по организации хозяйства на курсах дал мне предписание отправиться в полк. Я поехал в Псков. Мои попутчики по купе: врач, чиновник, железнодорожник, и 2 типа неизвестной профессии возмущались положением наших дел, глумлением над царской семьей и “порядками” нового правительства.


For my efforts in organizing our courses, General Popov gave me a travel order to go to the regiment. I went to Pskov. My fellow travelers in the train compartment: a doctor, an official, a railroad worker, and two people of unknown profession were outraged at the state of our affairs, the mockery of the royal family and the “procedures” of the new government.